14degrees off the beaten track
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November 9th, 2008 | categorizilation: all categories,New Zealand

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Another wonderfully restful day today in Masterton. The morning was spent at the Masterton Reformed Church, and the afternoon was spent wandering around the beautiful Castle Point.

Fiona, the friend I am visiting here in Masterton, has been attending the Reformed Church in Masterton since she arrived back to New Zealand from overseas. I tagged along with her today.

I had never been to a Reformed Church service before, and from the outset I could tell that the style of the proceedings were very traditional. Women were, more or less without exception, wearing skirts. Men were wearing shirt and tie. Everyone was in their Sunday best. The first hymn sung was composed in 1734. The following harked back from the 1800s.

The message was preached with restrained gusto, but Peter, the pastor, was obviously well learned in scripture. The reading was from Ephesians chapter two, and Pastor Peter concentrated on verses 4 to 14 that highlighted God’s grace, mercy, and sovriegnty.

Following the service, a pot-luck lunch was held, and I was able to meet some of the 100-strong congregation. Thankfully, the ones I met had personalities…unlike the rather bland service (although I must admit, the hymns were sung with a fullness and richness of sound that I have not heard in a church before).

I met Derrick, a keen engineer who along with his son has made low to the ground recumbent bicycles in his garage, including a full carbon 7.2kg speedster. I also met the owners/bakers at the 10 o’Clock Cookie Cafe and Bakery in Masterton. My story resulted in me being invited to have a good hearty breakfast at the cafe before I leave tomorrow.

After a quick lunch, I joined Fiona, Pam (Fiona’s mum), and Sophie (Fiona’s little sis) on a drive out to Castle Point.

In the car on the way to Castle Point, New Zealand

Castle Point was a pleasant surprise. Absolutely stunning place.

Castle Point, New Zealand

The wind was howling as we made our way up the short walk to the top of the Castle Point walkway.

We made it back to Masterton just in time for the roast pork to be taken out of the oven. Fiona’s Dad had been slaving over the hot coals all afternoon while we gallavanted around the countryside, and had dinner more or less cooked by the time we got back. Great effort!

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Comment by John — December 1, 2008 @ 4:08 pm | post a comment


Amazing what you've achieved! Congrats on that.

I have a question for you, how did you skate through areas where there were no built-up roads? You know gravel roads or mud tracks?



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