14degrees off the beaten track
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September 11th, 2007 | categorizilation: all categories,The Atlantic

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Distance sailed today:148 NM
Total distance sailed: 2140 NM
Midnight GPS position: N 20.29 W053.47
Wind: NE Wind Force 1-3
Sea state: Calm
Generator hours: 20.8hr
I must admit I am feeling some apprehension about our arrival in the British Virgin Islands. Once there, I still have 1,000 miles to go before I am on mainland USA. I hope to do that by yacht also. I will have to get across to the US Virgin Islands by passenger ferry first however, in order to enter the US on the visa waiver programme. To enter by sea by private vessel you need a visa obtained beforehand. I am sure everything will work out for the best in the end.

In less consequential news, I made a showerhead for our waterpump today.


Made from a plastic tablet tube, it fits neatly into the hose that is connected to the bilge pump we are using as a makeshift deck pump.


And now for part three of the four part how to sail series, MOORING LINES 101. Steve went over with me the terminology and tricks and hints for mooring a boat up on a dock.




There is a possible tropical cyclone forming due east south east of us. It is over 600 miles away, and only a possibility, but Steve is keeping his eye on how it develops.


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