14degrees off the beaten track
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August 26th, 2007 | categorizilation: all categories,The Atlantic

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Distance sailed today: 110 NM
Total distance sailed: 227 NM
Midnight GPS position: N 26.49 W020.56
Wind: NNE Wind Force 3-4
Sea state: Slight
Generator hours: 5.5hr
Nothing quite like being flung about half way up a mast…


There were a few screws loose on the forestay – the ‘mast’ that holds the genoa in place – so someone had to go up and tighten them. With very little to hold onto, it was a battle to say the least. One hand holding onto the forestay, one battling to keep the screwdriver in the head of the screw.

The wind today was fickle at times, not characteristic of the trade winds that Steve is looking for in this part of the Atlantic. At one time steady and strong, at other times gentle and useless. By 8pm however, the wind had steadied enough to put a full sail out.

The type of sail formation that we have set at the moment is called Wing On Wing – used for ‘running’ with the wind. That is, heading straight downwind with the wind behind us. The main sail is set out as far to the port side as possible, and the genoa is set as far to the starboard side as possible. This captures as much wind as we can to push us downwind.


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