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ユ ー ラ シ ア 大 陸 1 4 度 の 旅 » Day 216 - Port Lagos to Eleftheroupoli via Abdera

14degrees off the beaten track
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Day 216 - Port Lagos to Eleftheroupoli via Abdera
February 24th, 2007 | categorizilation: 全カテゴリー

Today’s distance / 今日の走行距離: 125.86km
Average speed / 平均速度: 16.8km/h
Time on bike / 走行時間: 7h 27m
Total distance to date / 今日までの積算距離: 4157.2km (plus 4200km)
Ascent / 上り: +995m
Descent / 下り: -780m

It was a cold start this morning. My thermometer registered 0 degrees celcius, and a frigid gusty wind was blowing from the northeast. Lucky for me however, Thessaloníki is in the southwest. Joy.

I really should have just milked the tailwind all day, and not take any detours. But I couldn’t help it. The brown tourist sign said ‘Thermal Roman Baths 2km’. It was a tailwind in that direction anyway.

I cycled for 5km, and still no sign of any baths. After 10km, another sign said ‘Ancient Abdera 10km’. This was also in the tailwind direction, but certainly not in the direct direction of Thessaloníki. My map is a massive Europe-wide map that only shows the main roads. I figured that there must be a connecting road from Abdera to where I needed to go. To Abdera it is.

The remains were not spectacular, but moving all the same, considering they are 2,500 years old. Incredible.

Ancient Abdera, Greece

After having a wander around the remains, I knocked on the door of the Coastguard HQ at the Abdera port to ask directions to the main road. The news was not good. They showed me a detailed map, showing that I had to go back about 20km to the main road. A large river separated me and where I wanted to go, and the only bridge was upstream at the main road.

For 20kms I battled the gusty sidewind up to the main road. Once on the main road however I flew along the flat smooth road to Kavala, often in my lowest gear.

I do not travel with a guide book. To have one would be handy, but they are expensive and heavy. Plus, the element of surprise is something I enjoy. Kavala certainly took me by surprise.

Aquaduct in Kavala, Greece

Aquaduct in Kavala, Greece

This massive aqueduct just appeared out of nowhere, separating one half of the town from the other. I felt very small cycling through the arches.

The coast here in Kavala is very Greek. The sea is like translucent liquid peppermint candy. Houses clinging for dear life to the sides of the hills, all clambering for a better view of the sea.

Kavala, Greece

A beautiful white church took my breath away, contrasting against the blue sky, nestled between breezy olive groves.

Church near Kavala, Greece

The day ended with a 300m climb up a pass. I am currently set up in a pagoda in a picnic area amongst pine trees. Still very cold, 8pm and 0 degrees celcius.


Comment by maki — 2007/2/27 Tuesday @ 23:06:55 | post a comment

A beautiful white church took my breath away,…う〜んいい感じね。いろいろあっても、風が強くても、寒くても、全てOK。旅がなんだか急にsmooth〜になってきた!


* 必須項目




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