Humble beginnings…

I just got word from Wim Harwig:

“That young guy you saw at the M5 recumbent-shop in Middelburg is now in a team of young students trying to break the world record. I think you took a photo of him when he was working on his wooden low-racer in the shop. Probably you inspired him as a world record holder too 😉 His name is David Wielemaker.”

Good stuff! That young guy is the guy in the photos below (taken on July 26th 2007).

M5 recumbents workshop in Middleburg, The Netherlands

M5 engineer and Wim discuss the finer points of the plywood recumbent in Middleburg, The Netherlands M5 recumbents engineer shows off his plywood recumbent at the M5 showroom in Middleburg, The Netherlands

Here is the video that Wim linked to in his message:

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2 thoughts on “Humble beginnings…

  • David Wielemaker

    Hi Rob,

    Anyone who can chase a dream with such ferocity is an inspiration to all humanity.
    Your visit was indeed inspiring and I will never stop chasing my dreams. The world speed record is now in Dutch hands (try video search for ‘Sebastiaan Bowier’).
