Day 898 – NEW ZEALAND: The future…

Thinking Ahead

And so it goes in my head. In most things these days; not just as in the case of the cartoon above. It is so easy to get ahead of myself. To not live in the moment. Or at least have a healthy balance between living in the moment and considering future possibilities.

I remember arriving home to Christchurch, and already I was frantically researching future study options that realistically I was not going to be able to consider beginning for at least a year.

The up side is that I can laugh at myself now. Trying as hard as I can to remind myself that this is a time of essentially reconstructing my life from ground zero in terms of friendships, world-view, ‘career*’, living arrangements etc.

It is hard to have patience at the moment. But time flows as slowly or as quickly as the eye of the beholder feels it.

* Career: A convenient term to describe ‘thing(s) that I do which I enjoy and get fulfilment out of, but also recieve money from’.

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3 thoughts on “Day 898 – NEW ZEALAND: The future…

  • Daniel N. Lang

    I love your idea of career. I would almost call that life, because you need some (minimal) materialistic things, like a bit of money, to make it and also not get isolated in most places where you life. With a pretty basic lifestyle you can IMHO have more fun, get more satisfaction and spend more time with the people that are important to you.

    Rob, do you have any book recommendations for alternatives to consumer lifestyles? I had told you about the Walden diary from Ralph Waldo Emerson but I'd like to read more of it.

    Anyway, have a rich experience and be optimistic!

  • Andy Solaini

    That cartoon is me spot on. I think up one plan then seem to talk myself out of it because of all that could go wrong. Then think up a new plan and do the same again.