Day 235 – MONTENEGRO – Budva to Kotor

Today’s distance / 今日の走行距離: 33.67km
Average speed / 平均速度: 5.2km/h
Time on bike / 走行時間: 2h 12m
Total distance to date / 今日までの積算距離: 962.86km (plus 8400km)
Ascent / 上り: +420m
Descent / 下り: -405m

A short blat up and over the small 200m saddle into Kotor, where I spent a few hours at the internet place in the old city.

Sleeping spot in Kotor Bay, Montenegro

Toward the end of the day, I cycled out of the city and set up on this small marina for the night. There was not a breath of wind, the bay as smooth as glass. How great it would be to be on a ski behind a boat right now, I thought as I wafted off to sleep.

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